YAMKAN Kanpo Young Barley Leaf Grass Powder 100% Stick Type (3g x 44) 山本漢方製薬 青汁 大麦若葉 粉末100%
YAMKAN Kanpo Young Barley Leaf Grass Powder 100% Stick Type (3g x 44) 山本漢方製薬 青汁 大麦若葉 粉末100%
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YAMAKAN Kanpo Young Barley Leaf Grass Powder 100% Stick Type (3g x 44) A delicious matcha-flavored “Aojiru” green juice drink.People rave about how delicious this healthy green drink is! The finely powdered barley sprouts easily dissolve in water.With no unpleasant smell, it has a clean taste and flavor, which come directly from the ingredients… You won’t get tired of the taste even if you drink it every day!This 100% green juice contains plenty of natural nutrients to help you stay healthy. It is produced by using 100% pure young barely grass that has been washed with water, dried, sterilized, and processed into fine powder. With 100% vegetable materials, it provides a much easier way to get the nutrition of raw vegetables. It contains an abundance of natural nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, and dietary fiber. Supports and maintains the health of your whole family. Mix it with milk for a special treat. Sterilized, pesticide-tested, no additives. How to Drink As a general guide, take 1 to 2 packets per day with a meal. This product can be enjoyed at any time. With a spoon or muddler, briskly mix 1 sachet (3g) of powder with 100cc of milk, soy milk, or water. The taste gets even better if you blend it with a shaker. Use a wide mouth plastic bottle to blend if you do not have a shaker. Be sure to secure the cap and use it with care. Avoid using boiling water. Consume 2 to 3 sachets (6g - 9g) of powder a day if you would like to take a lot of colorful vegetables, dietary fiber, and such. ● Can be enjoyed at any time at iced or warm. ● Adjust the thickness according to your preference. ● Matcha is not included. ● As it is raw food, do not prepare it in advance to be enjoyed at a later time. ● Can be mixed with yogurt, kinako (roasted soybean flour), soy milk, honey, ice cream, juice, pancakes, bread, pudding, or other recipes. Can also be mixed with alcohol. Ingredients / Materials Barley grass powder Precautions Consume it as soon as possible after opening. Powder should not be put in the mouth directly as it may stick in the throat. Avoid storing the product in fridge as it may cause favour deterioration. This product is edible, but avoid overconsumption. Do not prepare it in advance as this is raw food. Consult your doctor or pharmacist if you are instructed to refrain from taking vitamin K as it is contained in the product. Stop using this product immediately if abnormal conditions appear in your body. Colour or flavour of each product may vary as natural materials are used in this product, but there is no problem in quality. Keep it out of reach of children. Eat balanced meals based on a staple food, a main dish, and a side dish. 山本漢方製薬 青汁 大麦若葉 粉末100% スティックタイプ(3g×44包)抹茶風味のおいしい青汁。「青汁なのにおいしい!」と好評です。本品は大麦の新芽を、水に溶けやすい超微粉末にした“おいしい青汁”です。匂いや味にくせがなく、素材本来のシンプルな味と香りは毎日飲んでも飽きのこないおいしさ。天然の各種栄養成分が数多く含まれ、野菜素材として健康に役立つ魅力ある、純粋100%の青汁です。【お召し上がり方】本品は、通常の食生活において、1日1~2包を目安にお召し上がりください。本品は食品ですので、いつお召し上がりいただいても構いません。牛乳、豆乳又は水 約100ccの中へ、1包(3g)を入れ、スプーン又はマドラーにて、すばやく、よくかきまぜてお召し上がりください。また、シェーカーにて、シェイクしますと、さらにおいしくなります。シェーカーのない方は、広口のペットボトルをご利用ください。ご使用の際にはキャップをしめて注意してご利用ください。熱湯でのご使用はおひかえください。緑黄色野菜、食物繊維など、多く取りたい方は、1日2~3包(6g~9g)お召し上がりください。● アイス(氷入り)、ホットの微温でも、またいつ飲まれても構いません。● お好みにより、濃さは調整してください。● お抹茶は入っておりません。● 生ものですので、つくりおきしないでください。● ヨーグルト、きな粉、豆乳、ハチミツ、アイスクリーム、お好みのジュース、焼酎の水割りにほんの少々、ホットケーキ、パン、プリン、その他レシピに使用していただいても結構です。
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